
Entries in straighten (1)

Deskew / Straighten Scanned PDF Pages, Free!

UPDATE: Red Software is no longer affiliated with PDFescape, but this feature is still available in our RAD PDF technology. Edit your PDF with our online implementation, free of charge!

Today, Red Software announces a new "Deskew" tool for its free PDF editor, PDFescape. As many people know, scanned documents don't always come out as perfect PDFs. One of the most common problems, a skewed page. We're proud to announce that PDFescape now provides a free solution to that problem!

PDFescape's new free PDF straightening tool

This new free PDF tool is found on the "Page" tab of the PDFescape interface (you may also need to click the "More" button to reveal it). Once activated, it allows users to quickly draw a line indicating what should be the page's horizontal alignment. Simply confirm the angle of adjustment and presto, your PDF is now straight!

This new tool is available now to all PDFescape users, free of charge.